In 2014 I rode the Colorado Trail and wrote about it here . As soon as I finished I started looking for other similar bicycle legal national scenic trails. I quickly found the Arizona Trail Race which is claimed to be the hardest in the world and set my sights on it. I had a series of knee overuse issues from riding with no right ACL from 2013-2018 that we're a frequent setback on top of work responsibilities, prioritizing other types of riding and trips, wildfires & other assorted excuses over the past 8 years. In 2021 I had planned to end the year with this race but was focused on the Rocky Mountain Enduro Circuit where I won the open A class and 9th in the series. The amount of bike work during the week to make that happen ate up all my training time so I opted to not even attempt it. This year I set my priorities on 3 races: Vapor Trail 125 , Marji Gesick 100 , and the Arizona Trail 800 . Me 13 hours into the V125 at ...